This is an abstract of Psilin Page.

Psilin is a graphical Front-end (in GTK) to many programs which connect a Psion to Linux.

These programs are

This program aims to be easy to use and seems working correctly.

It is not finished in the sense there is no standard makefile, no rpm, no saving of preferences and no keyboard shortcuts.

As I am not a good programmer, if anybody could help me for one of these jobs, it would be great.

All the links about the command line programs and the pictures are on the french page.


To install:

Psilin can be compiled with the command line at the begining of the source-code or by typing « ./Makeit ». You need to be able to compile GTK programs.

The only binary file can be installed anywhere.

For English Language, you do not need any language file, except for the manpage.

You can install the binaries by typing « ./install ».

If you speak another language, you can translate the .pot file, save it as psilin.po and compile it (msgfmt -o psilin.po). Then, copy it in /usr/locale/your_language/LC_MESSAGES/. Send me your translated po file, so I can add it to Psilin archive.

You also need all the command-lines programs (psionio, psibackup, lpic2ps, p3nfs...) to get Psilin doing something useful. All the binaries shoud be installed somewhere in the PATH.